Monday, December 15, 2008

Pets Of The Week - Bodie And Noodles

The Advocate has partnered with the Humane Society of Northeast Texas to bring you two lovable pets in need of adoption each week!

This week, we bring you Bodie and Noodles, and dare you not to picture them playing with their happy new owners on Christmas morning.

#T20083405 "Bodie" is a happy male Doberman mix pup, approximately 8 weeks old, with a sweet disposition. Like all puppies, Bodie loves to play and chew on things, has a mischievous mind, and abundant energy. His Christmas wish list includes a family with children to romp and run with, a warm bed to curl up and nap, and a few toys to call his own.

#C20081535 "Noodles" is a gentle female 3-month-old brown tabby kitten looking for a playmate and lifelong companion. Noodles has a curious kitten personality, willing to investigate new people, places, and things. A few toys to swat and chase and a carpeted tower to climb will keep Noodles happy and content.

Welcome Noodles or Bodie into your heart and home for the holidays by contacting the Humane Society of Northeast Texas at 903-297-2170, 303 Enterprise Street in Longview, or


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